Evaluate a Café
Find out what worked and what didn’t so that you can make improvements. (You may also want to or need to document the results for a sponsor or partner.) Visiting another café to see how it works can also provide useful feedback.
During the evening, pay close attention to and make notes on the following:
- What aspects of the event seem to actively engage everyone?
- Are people relaxed and comfortable, squirming in their seats, or barely awake?
- Are there prolonged stretches with just one voice speaking?
- Is there a moment when everyone becomes very animated? What made that moment happen?
- What were the polling results? Was a particular question or topic more popular or more likely to get a response from the audience?
Register your café to find sample questionnaires and other evaluation information in the Grow a Café section of this site.
To read profiles of other cafés, check out the Café Stories and Cafés in the News (coming back soon!) sections.